
WildSafeBC says bobcats are especially active this time of year after more sightings in Kelowna

What's up bobcat?

There have been more bobcat sightings in Kelowna this week.

A bobcat was spotted twice on Thursday in the area of Rotary Beach Park.

Bill Driscoll says he was walking along Mission Creek Trail between Gordon Drive and Lakeshore Road when he looked up in the trees and spotted something looking back.

"He was just sitting up there quietly, just watching everyone walk by and there were quite a few people there that stopped to look at him too," Driscoll says.

"There were lots of people just walking by, and they had dogs, and it wasn't bothered and the dogs never bothered with it."

A bobcat was spotted downtown on Leon Avenue on Jan. 5, and another, near the Eldorado Hotel on Jan. 6.

WildsafeBC spokesperson Karly McMullen says bobcats are particularly active during the winter months when their usual food sources, like birds and small mammals, become scarcer.

"During the winter, they will also hunt deer, mostly fawns, to supplement their diet," McMullen said.

According to WildSafeBC the best way to keep bobcats out of your yard is to keep your yard free of garbage, birdseed and pet food.

"Always watch your pets, especially during early morning or evening, and keep them on a leash when outside. These steps can help keep your pets safe and reduce wildlife conflicts," says McMullen.

If you have a wildlife conflict or spot an injured animal call the BC Conservation Officer Service 24-hotline at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP).

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