
Improved lighting at hospital parking lot part of proposed IH capital funding requests

New lighting for KGH lot

Interior Health plans to spend nearly $19 million on capital improvements across the Central Okanagan Regional Hospital District in 2025.

The Regional Hospital District (RHD), or local taxpayer, share of those improvements, collected through the RDCO is $7.41 million.

The budget request will be brought forward at the next hospital district meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16.

The budget requests are broken into five categories, including:

Total Budget RHD Share Previous RHD Funding Net RHD Funding Request
Construction over $100k $8.67M $3.47M $560k $2.91M
Construction under $100k $510k $200k $200k
IH-wide Digital Health $3.14M $1.26M $1.26M
Equipment over $100k $4.86M $1.79M $1.79M
Equipment under $100k $3.15M $1.26M $1.26m
Total in millions $20.32m $7.97M $560k $7.41M

While there is no budget for additional parking around Kelowna General Hospital, money is being sought for new and improved lighting at the surface parking lot on Royal Avenue across from the emergency room entrance.

Construction projects over $100,000 are mostly for infrastructure improvements such as mechanical and electrical upgrades at the Dr. Walter Anderson building, heating plant replacement in the Strathcona building and nursing station and medical room redesign at Three Links Manor.

Digital health improvements include supporting expanded storage and security of information and increasing the number of sites with access to electronic patient records.

Equipment upgrade requests include replace and expand the pharmacy storage system, replacing the 2012 renal reverse osmosis system and pre-treatment equipment and replacing the pharmacy’s walk-in fridge.

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