
Won't miss Trudeau

Re. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's announcement he plans to resign.

I am happy he (plans to) step down as he has proven himself to be untrustworthy and did not seem to really care about Canadians.

I do, however, question his timing. Is this a slap in the face to the Canadian people and to those in his party? Is it a way of making us all suffer just a bit more because he is not getting his way?

He should put on his big boy pants, reopen Parliament, take his non-confidence vote like a man and allow his party more time to regroup. It is highly childish to hide behind policy at a time like this.

Shame on him for all his refusals to take responsibility for his wrong doings and for decimating Canada. I will not miss his pathetic apologies and smug face.

Because of his bad faith, Canadians are being railroaded to vote for a party (the Conservatives) that has great potential to do worse or sell us out.

There are scary times ahead.

Carrie Raylan

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