
Four of 44 Peachland 2026 projects completed

Four of 44 completed

Four of 44 projects listed on Peachland’s 2022-26 strategic plan have been completed.

A plan update was presented to council last week. The report showed 28 projects were “on track,” nine were “ongoing,” and three were “off target.”

“We use the term ongoing and on track. I assume that they mean the same thing,” said Coun. Terry Condon. “My request is that we get some consistent description. Pick one and use it consistently.

“For those couple of items that aren’t on track, there’s no indication of how they’re going to be brought back on track,” he added.

Completed items include hiring a communications and grant writing staff member. Kirsten Jones joined the municipal staff last year.

A community barbecue and town hall meeting was held last year and will take place again on June 12 at the community centre.

Moving committees to a “task force structure” and developing policies to increase financial reserves have also been done.

Of the 28 projects listed as being on track, one is also said to be “ahead of schedule.” That is pursuing grants to pay for a child-care strategy.

Also on track are plans for a transit value-for-money review to take place in 2025.

Ongoing projects include updating the housing strategy to increase choices and options.

Off-target projects include identifying additional “revenue stream opportunities.” The reason for failure is: “Focus has been on internal revenues,” the report said.

Completing a property acquisition and disposition strategy has been “deferred due to other/new projects taking priority.”

Updating the short-term rental policy was deferred for further consultation.

Coun. Rick Ingram noted some projects, which include park improvements, will be completed sooner than their target dates.

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