
Cat abandoned on Postill Lake Road near Kelowna gets new lease on life

Abandoned cat rescued

A pair of Good Samaritans managed to rescue a cat that appears to have been abandoned at the six-kilometre marker of Postill Lake Road.

Liz Muir and her husband Steve Kitzmann live in Sunset Ranch. When they heard about a cat spotted on Postill Lake Road, they jumped into action.

Muir says she and her husband had no trouble finding the cat but it wouldn't let them get close enough to grab it.

"It was standing in the middle of the road, waiting and meowing," Muir says, but it still wouldn't come to them.

Instead of giving up, they managed to find a live trap, and after putting some food inside, they waited patiently.

It took a while for the kitty to brave the trap for the food they left. The couple went back and forth several times without success and then finally when they went back at 5 a.m. Monday the cat was inside the trap.

"It's a very friendly cat. When we got it home and took it out of the trap, it was very happy and very cuddly, very affectionate. I don't know why somebody would dump something that's so friendly," Muir says.

The Okanagan Humane Society now has the cat and they expect to give it a complete health checkup before the cat will be put up for adoption.

Liz Muir and her husband went to a lot of trouble to rescue the cat but say it was worth the effort.

"Because we're animal lovers. We don't think that animals should be treated that way. That's for sure," says Muir.

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