Everyday I travel the road between Peachland and Penticton and back again.
It just blows my mind how reckless drivers are. Recently, a Porche was weaving in and out of traffic. It had a B.C. (licence) plate.
This male driver almost ran me off the road and the vehicle behind me too. Then he swerved past me and sped up to an excessive speed, only to reach the construction zone (on the highway) and have to slow down because a truck was in front of him. As soon as he could, he again sped off.
It is only getting worse and worse on that highway with the tourist season kicking off. I don't understand how there are not more RCMP officers on this highway during commuting hours. That seems to be when most accidents occur.
This week, I gave a safety talk to my crew, many of whom I know come from Kelowna or West Kelowna and pleaded with them to please be aware of the cars surrounding them and take their time. I would much rather my crew arrive late than not arrive at all, or ever again.
Please, if not for yourself and for your own family, slow down. Do it for my family and everyone else’s.
If you can't drive your “mid-life crisis” car safely, then leave it at home. The rest of us want to go home to our families at the end of the day.
Jazmin Simpson