The City of Penticton is pulling back the veil to give the public a peek at what keeps water running, toilets flushing, lights working and roads operating in the municipality.
On Wednesday, May 22, citizens are invited to Public Works Week's Open House.
The free, family-friendly event is a chance to see how operations work behind the scenes.
“We are excited to open the doors and welcome you into the yards, where we’ll have stations set up and displays showing how we operate on a daily basis to provide the services you rely on every day,” said Kristen Dixon, general manager of infrastructure, in a press release issued Tuesday.
“Public Works Week is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the people who often work in the background but are essential to our quality of life.”
The open house will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at City Yards, located at 616 Okanagan Avenue E.
Features will include:
- Interactive displays and demonstrations
- Up-close looks at trucks, an RCMP car, loaders and other heavy duty equipment
- Electrical truck bucket rides
- Giveaways
- Free BBQ
New this year is a free service through BC Transit to shuttle participants to the event. The bus will have a pickup location at Cherry Lane Shopping Centre at 9:45 a.m. and leaves City Yards at 11:10 a.m. to return to Cherry Lane.
Residents are able to just drop by whenever they can during the day, although registrations are required for large groups.
For more information, visit penticton.ca/openhouse.