
Vernon Christian School wins provincial spaghetti bridge building contest

Best bridge builders

A team of Grade 9 students from Vernon Christian School built the best spaghetti bridge in the province.

Marcos Braul Vidal, Levi Driediger, Tristan VanderDeen and Eli Zuidhof took top spot at the Jr. Skills Canada Spaghetti Bridge Provincial Championship April 17.

The students won gold at the competition at the Tradex Convention Centre in Abbotsford as part of the 2024 Skills BC Provincial Trades & Technology Competition.

After defeating other teams from the Vernon Christian School, the fab four moved on to the regionals at Okanagan College in Kelowna.

From there, they advanced to the regional level where they qualified to participate in the provincial competition.

“The Junior Skills Challenge is designed to allow grades 6 – 10 students the opportunity to explore trades and technology careers in a research fashion as well as to experience hands on practical application of skills,” said Skills Canada BC.

The competition challenges teams of students to design and build bridges out of nothing more than spaghetti and hot glue. Teams have three hours to build their bridges that must have a minimum height of 10 cm and a minimum span of 50 cm.

During evaluation, the bridges must hold a one kilogram of weight for 60 seconds.

All bridges that can hold the weight are then weighed and the team that builds the lightest bridge wins. The VCS team won by the slightest margin, with their bridge weighing 56.3g. The second-place team’s bridge weighed 56.5g, and third place had a weight of 57.4g.

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