
Six-storey rental apartment proposed for Rutland

Apartment project proposed

A new rental-only apartment complex is being proposed for Valleyview Road in Rutland.

The application before city planners is for a six-storey, wood-frame apartment featuring a total of 117 residential units.

The units would range in size from bachelor to three bedrooms.

The developer is seeking to have the property rezoned to the Rutland Urban Centre rental-only zone meaning, if approved, the building would be rental in perpetuity.

Permitted height in the area is four storeys, however an additional two storeys are permitted for rental-only developments, according to the application.

A total of 100 parking stalls are being proposed, two more than the required 98. Electric vehicle stalls would also be provided.

"The property is located on the inside of the southwest bend of Valleyview Road," the application states.

"It is located within a residential street and is well served by existing municipal facilities and public transportation."

The development would encompass three single-family lots at 205, 215 and 235 Valleyview Road. The existing houses and trees would be removed.

Staff will review the application before it is forwarded to city council for approval.

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