
TNRD seeks grant funding for emergency operations centre

TNRD eyes EOC upgrade

Bluetooth headsets, portable backup power generators and additional computer workstations will be among the items the Thompson-Nicola Regional District purchases for its emergency operations centre if it receives a $30,000 grant.

The regional district’s board of directors has unanimously approved applying to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund’s 2024 intake. If successful, the grant would fund up to $30,000 in equipment upgrades within the TNRD emergency operations centre (EOC).

The TNRD’s EOC is a physical location where regional district personnel and volunteers come together to coordinate response and recovery actions, support emergency response personnel in the field and coordinate all official communications regarding emergencies.

In 2023, the TNRD EOC was active for a total of 80 days, of which 52 were consecutive.

If it receives the grant, the TNRD will purchase upgraded audio and visual equipment to complete upgrades started in 2023, handsfree Bluetooth headsets, portable backup power systems, additional computer workstations, radios, flashlights and contingency supplies and make minor renovations to support installation of new equipment

The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund can contribute up to 100 per cent of the cost of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $30,000.

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