
Truss plant planned for former Lavington glass plant industrial park

Truss plant planned

A wood truss plant is planned for the former Lavington glass plant lands.

PBS Truss Manufacturing will sole source building material to Pro Builders Supply Ltd., which operates Home Hardware Building Centres in Kelowna, Penticton, and Osoyoos, as well as in Olds and Canmore, Alta.

The head office for Pro Builders Supply is located in Penticton.

The facility would be located on a 0.22-hectare industrial strata lot at the Okanagan Eco Park, on the former Owens Illinois Consumers Glass Plant lands.

The glass plant operated from 1969 to 2008.

The matter will be considered by Coldstream council at its meeting this evening. Staff are recommending support for the development permit.

A revision to initial concept drawings seeks replacement of a semi-transparent Kalwall system with metal cladding due to supply chain issues and cost.

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