A cute moment was caught by a fan at Saturday night's Canucks game.
The Vancouver team was hosting the Carolina Hurricanes, and while the crowd was cheering for the home team for most of the game, there was a moment when dozens if not hundreds of people were applauding for an unlikely duo.
Early in the first period, a puck went over the glass in the Hurricanes' end and into the netting, which keeps pucks from flying into the crowd. There it sat for a little.
According to Reddit user Hyperocean the pair, a man and a child, spotted the puck and decided to make their own play for puck possession; Hyperocean was able to capture the moment on video.
The man was able to hoist the kid, wearing a Brock Boeser jersey, up to the bottom of the netting where the puck was caught. For their part, the kid frees the puck and is lowered to the ground as the crowd cheers them on.
As a fun bonus, the camera which is on top of the pole the pair used to stabilize themselves looks down to watch them, as if to say "Hello humans, what are you up to?"
Super dad
byu/Hyperocean incanucks