
Uber Eats lists Kamloops among top cities in Canada for generous tips

Kamloops eaters tip well

Uber Eats has named Kamloops one of the top cities in Canada when it comes to tipping.

According to Uber Eats’ fifth annual Cravings Report, Kamloops residents rank seventh place on the list for top tippers, trailing behind leaders Edmonton and Toronto.

The top tippers tally was topped off by B.C.’s northern capital, Prince George, followed by Ottawa and Halifax, respectively.

The report also showed Toronto as the city that orders the most cannabis edibles, followed by Vancouver in second and Victoria in third place.

Vancouver was also named the city that ordered the most eggnog, while Kelowna was named the second pickiest city — just behind Moncton, N.B.

Uber Eats said data results from the report are weighted to control for population differences

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