
Report to Armstrong council highlights high cost of road repairs

High cost of road repairs

It would cost the City of Armstrong a theoretical $5.5-$10.9 million to rehabilitate all of its road segments.

A report to council following a road condition assessment highlights the cost of rehabilitation.

“While this is an unreasonable expectation for service and funding, it highlights the asset value of the city’s road network,” says the report.

The city has 34,640 m of paved road, and overall, the city's road network is considered in fair condition. The report found roadways to be in the following conditions:

  • 15 per cent in excellent condition
  • 6 per cent in very good condition
  • 22 per cent in good condition
  • 30 per cent in fair condition
  • 19 per cent in poor condition
  • 8 per cent in very poor condition

The city’s previous road condition assessment was completed in 2011, the latest assessment was conducted in 2023 by the same company, Gentech Engineering.

New roads are typically designed for a 25 year life span and pavement will deteriorate over time until its condition becomes “unacceptable”.

Conditions deteriorate more rapidly when they hit a certain threshold, but if rehabilitation can be performed the pavement's service life can be prolonged.

The report to council shows that the worse the pavement condition the more expensive it becomes to rehabilitate the pavement. It highlights the importance of preventative maintenance and proper treatment to ensure cost-effectiveness.

“Preventive maintenance programs require long-term commitment, ongoing improvements, documentation and reported program benefits,” reads the report.

The assessment will be used to develop a pavement management strategy which will build upon the invention and condition assessment findings by setting preventive maintenance priorities and treatments.

The full report can be viewed here.

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