
Armstrong market is seeking the owner of a lost wallet

Lost wallet, seeking owner

Is this your wallet?

The Armstrong Farmers' Market is asking for help from the public in finding the rightful owner of a wallet.

Marni Niles is a market organizer and says a brown leather wallet was found at the Christmas market.

"It looks to be a young man's wallet, and it's old, it looks like it's been handed down," said Niles.

Niles says the wallet is older and smaller, but has cash inside. She’s hoping to find the owner and get them their Christmas money back.

She’s asking for the rightful owner to be able to identify one of the business cards in the wallet. Anyone who believes the item to be theirs should message the Armstrong Farmers' Market on Facebook.

Niles will hold onto the wallet for a few more days, but if no owner is found she’ll be bringing it to the RCMP.

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