West Kelowna  

Judicial recount Monday

Against the wishes of Harry Gough, a judicial recount will be held Monday in the Peachland mayoralty race.

The recount will take place at the Peachland Community Hall at 10 a.m.

Following an official verification of votes this past Monday, Gough and incumbent Cindy Fortin were deadlocked at 804 votes each.

Prior to a court hearing to determine whether a judicial recount would be granted, Gough filed an affidavit opposing such a move.

He told Madam Justice Ellen Burdett about allegations surrounding the original vote count, claiming there were discrepancies as to how the votes were handled.

"We should go back to the electorate and let them decide," Gough told the court. "I hope you will allow Peachlanders the choice."

Outside the courthouse, Gough said vote boxes were opened prior to his representative being in the room to check the count. 

"The sealing of the boxes, we never did see any seals. That was obviously a big question," he said.

Inside the courtroom, he went further, stating ballots could have been removed or added.

"I never saw a seal, and there was never an explanation as to where the pre-election boxes were stored, and following to the end of the election. I'm saying there is a grey area, and there potentially could be room for error. Was anything slipped in? I don't know."

Burdett outlined the ground rules for the recount.

The ballots for all five mayoral candidates will be included in the count, and all will be counted by hand. All five candidates and representatives will be allowed to witness the counting of each ballot.

Members of the media will be allowed to witness the recount, however, partial results will not be allowed to be reported. Filming and recording of the proceedings will also not be allowed.

​If the result remains a tie, the winner's name will be drawn out of a hat or a bowl.

Fortin was not at Friday's hearing.


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