
Spills in actual numbers

Yes, let's look at the leak history of Kinder Morgan and Trans Mountain pipeline. There were actually 82 leaks since 1961, not 80! Some of the leaks were water, many were under 1.5M square (about a large wheelbarrel), of the 82 spills, only 9 exceeded the reporting threshold and of those only 3 happened in the past 35 years. 69.5 percent of the spills were at terminals or pump stations and were contained immediately.

There has never been a spill from a tanker from the Westbridge Marine terminal since operation started in 1956. These are facts, and not talking points used to fear-monger. I agree that a major spill could prove disastrous, yet the ramification of halting the expansion is equally disastrous and will be immediate. 

Naturally, none of the protesters use any petroleum products, no oil or gas, no airplane trips to Mexico or elsewhere in the world. No polyester clothes, no plastics in their home, no hip or knee replacements, which use plastic as it's bearing. Otherwise, they're all hypocrites.

Bill Grigg

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