
Pollinator 'super highway'

Sheila Campbell has a vision to create a 'super highway' for pollinators and she is looking for volunteers to make the dream a reality.

Campbell is a board member of SENS, the Sustainable Environment Network Society, and she wants to create a pollinator path for bees, birds, butterflies and other pollinators.

“The goal is to have as many areas planted with pollinator-friendly flowers, vegetables, herbs and trees as possible,” said Campbell.

To do this, she has been co-ordinating local individuals and community groups and consulting with neighbouring communities.

“Pollinators are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in our current landscape. This is due to things like pesticide use, monocrops, habitat destruction, development and less green space in general. Creating and protecting pesticide-free, natural, pollinator-friendly spaces can help them find paths through urban areas, help keep our food supply vigorous and make our community look more beautiful,” she said.

And helping achieve those goals does not require a tremendous amount of effort.

Planting local pollinator-friendly species in yards, alleys, boulevards and what some call the ‘forgotten strip’ – the area between sidewalk and roadway - can make a big difference.

“Many folks have expressed interest in being involved in various ways, but we still need volunteers to sign up,” said Campbell.

Members of SENS will be at the Seedy Saturday event at the recreation centre March 17 where people can get more information on the project.

Seedy Saturday will feature a multitude of seed vendors as well as guest speakers and other activities.

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