
Visible minority

Regarding the news article titled "White People Everywhere", the reporter says that "residents of Penticton remain overwhelmingly caucasian" and then gives numerous statistics that report the level of immigration in the city whilst comparing it to British Columbia's higher immigration numbers. Finally, the article ends with a statement indicating "the percentage of residents that self identify as a visible minority in Penticton".

Let me be as clear and concise and I possibly can: Not all immigrants are visible minorities; conversely, visible minorities are not necessarily immigrants. The two are not similar in any way and should never be equated as being so. There are thousands upon thousands of naturalized, born and bred citizens of this great land that have the fortune of being a visible minority, yet the only language they speak is English (or French), their food of choice is a hamburger or pizza, and the music they listen to is broadcast daily on mainstream radio stations.

On the other hand, a large sector of Canadian society is made up of immigrants who speak neither English or French as their first language nor do they know Canadian values, customs, and culture and they hail from Caucasian dominated countries from Europe, Australia, or even the United States.

As long as the media and news industry continue to report outdated and incorrect assumptions of what Canada (and specifically, our local communities) are made of, visible minorities both recent immigrants and life long citizens will continue to feel excluded and non-integrated.

In closing, allow me to quote from another recent Castanet article titled "Avg Canadian Anything But" where Statistics Canada states "nearly half of major metropolitan areas are comprised of visible minorities" and concludes with a quote from Jean-Pierre Corbet, assistant director of the social and aboriginal division at Statistics Canada:  "The challenge is to make sure that they fully integrate into Canadian society."

Respectfully, a proud BC born, English speaking, hamburger loving, visible minority.

John Lee

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