
Wildfire training

Forest Fire Fighter training may cause some unwarranted concern this weekend as their exercises will cause smoke to billow near Predator Ridge.

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource says smoke and flames from the wildfire training exercise on Sunday March 23 may be visible in the Predator Ridge area southwest of Vernon and along Highway 97.

The Ministry is offering the S-100 Basic Fire Suppression and Safety course to approximately 35 Canadian Forces personnel in the Vernon Fire Zone.

A two-hectare controlled fire is a component of the field training that will build on techniques learned in the classroom.

Trained firefighters and equipment will be on site at all times to ensure that the fire remains within its designated area. If weather conditions are not favourable, the burn will not be conducted.

“The course prepares military personnel to be ready to assist during times of extreme fire activity. The last time the military was called upon to assist the Wildfire Management Branch was during the 2003 fire season,” explained Kayla Pepper, Fire Information Officer.

Upon completion of the course, participants will successfully have demonstrated wildfire suppression and safety skills, worked with fire equipment and received an introduction to fire behaviour.

To Report A Wildfire Call Toll-Free 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

If you see the training exercise or spot a fire send photos and video to [email protected].  

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