
The Super Driver

Following the recent poor driving conditions we have had to endure I think it is time we all acknowledged that special breed, the Superdriver!!

Despite it being the law, common sense and good driving practice the Superdriver sees no need to use his head and taillights when visibility is limited. He/she feels there is no need to use their turn signals when changing lane or turning. (One gentleman informed me that he only indicates when it is not "obvious" what he is about to do!! Trivia question, when did using turn signals become optional in Canada?")

Snow and black ice are not even going to slow them down in some cases, they are far too skilled for such nonsense.

Meanwhile the other 50% of Kelowna drivers, the less skilled element, are treating the Superdriver with the respect they deserve and doing our best to get out of their way and avoid colliding with them.

Superdrivers crave recognition with a stiff middle finger salute, accompanied by a long blast on your car horn, being their favourite. So come on all you timid wimps who follow the rules of the road, acknowledge a Superdriver today, they deserve it.


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