
Abortion signs about freedom, democracy

RE: Graphic abortion signs should not be allowed


Not only is it a sad reality that in an apparent democracy, the rights of the unborn are dismissed altogether through abortion, disheartening more is the fact that many in the general public simply refuse to face the awful truth of what happens during an abortion procedure.

In the name of freedom of speech, democracy, tolerance and inclusivity, special interest groups of our day crusade and parade for the protection of their right to the freedom of expression.  The behavior, tactics and sometimes open lewd displays of their views seem to ignite little response from the general public or from the Government.  What is sometimes exhibited at 'pride' parades would likely be enough to invoke an 18+ rating from the Broadcast Standards Counsel. Yet, within the same social environment, it is incredibly ironic that one 'disturbing' sign at a pro-life demonstration can be labeled as 'graphic' and can be enough to ignite calls for immediate regulatory intervention and censorship.

Something suddenly doesn’t make sense.

When it comes to a small pro-life demonstration designed to express the rights of those who can’t speak for themselves, people who take offence seem to hypocritically throw the societal idols of freedom of expression, tolerance, inclusivity and democracy out the window.  When now rising up to make a judgment call on a pro-life demonstration, the moral virtues of decency, good taste, and tact suddenly seem to appear out of nowhere.  All of a sudden, things are too 'offensive' and 'graphic.'

A pro-life demonstration is simply a piece of the larger structure of freedom of expression.  Those who crusade for freedom of expression and human rights often trumpet the proclamation that all views must be recognized and accepted and will go to whatever lengths they deem necessary to ensure that their views are heard, seen and even constitutionally protected.

If we as a society are going to protect human rights, then let us give equal opportunity so that the rights of all are afforded the same degree of protection.

Yes, the procedure of an abortion is 'disturbing' and yes, the truth is difficult to face, yet, if we are to be a society of true freedom and democracy, then those demonstrating for the silent expressions of the unborn are entitled to just as much time and space on the stage of freedom as any other special interest group.  Let’s never forget that.

Rod Tribiger

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