
Use your manners

RE:Where is the courtesy?

Jenn Hutton isn't the only on that has noticed the lack of courtesy on the roads in Kelowna. I can't even count the times that I have let a fellow driver pull in front of me from a little side street or parking lot and didn't even get a wave or smile of appreciation. (These) drivers make the driving in the city of Kelowna a very unpleasant and annoying experience.

I'm not nice in order to get something in return but I do hope that maybe, just maybe, someone will "pay it forward" and extend the same courtesy to someone else. I will wave at you Jenn Hutton when you pull your trailer over and let me pass!

Get real, don't be so rude, and pick up your lazy arm to wave in thanks the next time someone does you a favor. "Use your manners" my mother would say.

Sherry Hornseth

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