
How to lie with statistics

RE:Pitbulls scored higher than Golden Retrievers

Ms. Quinn raises the issue that Pit Bulls are treated unfairly and using the ATTS Temperament Test, compares them against Golden Retrievers, and they do appear to be a well tempered dog. However, I am reminded of the book “How to Lie with Statistics.”

Let me offer another statistic, prepared by Merritt Clifton, (source “Dog Attack Deaths and Maiming US & Canada 1982 to 2006 http://www.dogbitelaw.com/Dog%20Attacks%201982%20to%202006%20Clifton.pdf).

The statistics are based on Attacks (A), Child Victims (CV), Adult Victims (AV), Deaths (D) and Maiming (M):

Golden Retriever: A = 6 CV = 6 AV = 0 D = 1 M = 4

American Pit Bull: A = 1110 CV = 495 AV = 397 D = 104 M = 608

The author concludes:

"Temperament is not the issue, nor is it even relevant. What is relevant is actuarial risk. If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier…has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price."

One can clearly see there is a large difference in how Pit Bulls are in real life, compared to Golden Retrievers with only .005% of the attacks. I know which dog I prefer to have around my family!

Bill Grigg

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