
Watch for red herrings

RE:B.C. could export energy from Site C dam

Site C as announced by Gordo the other day is a RED HERRING to take your mind off of whatever else Gordo is trying to deflect your thinking from. By the time Site C even gets close to reality, Gordo et al will be long gone enjoying their Directorships in multiple companies, still indirectly on your nickel.

Whenever Federal, Provincial, or local governments get into hot water over some issue, they announce some grand scheme that will cost you money and make someone loads of dollars at your expense, Winter Olympics for instance.

By the time Site C gets close to realization, First Nations will make sure they gum up the works, as will every other group that thinks they have something to say, rational or irrational, and lawyers and accounts will send a lot of their kids to high priced places of higher learning.

If everyone shut down unused appliances and misdirected lights and over wattage lighting, power use would likely be cut by half and there would be no need for increased power generation. Of course the power companies don't want that to happen.

The only way for you to win is buy shares in all these outfits that are overcharging and under supplying whatever it is you think you need more of.

The proliferation of all the casinos country and world wide tells me there is too much loose money floating around this world waiting for you to spend in a non productive way.

Only about two percent of the population are thinking of conservation, the rest are thinking of booze, drugs, tail, sports and chasing the adrenaline rush.

Karl Spahl

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