
Simple Solution Don't Graffiti

Hmmm, odd.... My calender lists the date as Oct 27, not April 1st.... so why is there a fool posting messages on Castanet?

Yes, I think we all know to whom I refer. J.S's letter just lowered my already poor opinion of these so called Graffiti "Artists". This person states that they cannot believe that we as a community are willing to spend $400,000 to clean up this "art" when there is a lack of funding in healthcare, and they freely admit that they are one of these "Artists"....

In the course of my day-to-day business I am constantly faced with graffiti. As a property manager, it is a part of my duty to oversee the maintenance of the buildings I handle. A large portion of these buildings are in the industrial sections of town. J.S. states that "if it's on a major tourist attraction or on someone's private property, that's a terrible thing... [but] an industrial area or under a bridge is a much more desirable place for us". Does J.S. not understand that industrial areas are private property too? I recently have had to have some graffiti removed on one of these building and it cost $650 for a patch about 3 feet squared! Should I leave the graffiti alone, which invites more graffiti, and will result in lost revenue due to losing tenants in my buildings?

So, I've had this brilliant idea that I would like to suggest to J.S. and all their buddies:

If you are so outraged at the spending of $400,000 on graffiti removal then there is a VERY simple solution DON'T GRAFFITI!!! I know this is hard to understand, but if you don't put the graffiti up, we won't spend $400,000 taking it down. Then that money can go towards other things, including healthcare.


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