
No country has gone back

It is not the NDP and Greens who want to hold on to power, but Mr. Wilkinson and his followers. 

They seem to think proportional representation will unleash a hoard of socialists, communists, radicals and extremists. The Liberals seem to want all the power most of the time instead of some power all the time. They want it all and can afford it.

Second, to be elected, a candidate must have five per cent of the popular vote. All Canadian extremist parties  amount to less than one per cent. Suppose an “extremist” won a seat,  the other parties would just refuse to co-operate with him/her. Extremist views are better debated than allowed to evolve secretly.

Third, if the Greens, a mere three MLAs, were “the tail wagging the dog,”  Site C dam, LNG and ride-sharing would have been dealt with differently.

Fourth, why is Italy, one of about 87 developed nations, always an example against proportional government?  Italy is hardly a failed state.  

Proportional representation eliminates “safe ridings,” lack of discussion, and “swing ridings." 

No one will lose their local MLA. Most local MLAs will be elected as they are now. Voters in the Urban part of the RUP option will have a wide choice of  MLAs, all in their riding. Only the DMP system is new. Both parts of RUP are widely used.

All proportional systems are adjusted for population distribution and geography. Taxes would be wasted to fine-tune a system before it's instituted. Elections BC and the Boundaries Commission will not be skewed by anyone.

Let proportional representation prove itself. No country has ever gone back.

Nancy Leathley, Sechelt

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