
Bertuzzi Defended

Your little article called "BERTUZZI CHARGED" interested me because it seems if they intended to charge him they should then be prepared to have officers at every game in the league because we all know that this is going to happen. In fact worse will happen numerous times in every rink around the league.

The fact of the matter is that had Bertuzzi not knocked the player out the player would have just turtled on the ice like the hit and run artist he is and Bertuzzi would have recieved a two minute roughing penalty.

This guy tried to intentionally injure Naslund and got a free pass from the referees, had he been 1 inch closer to Naslund it would have been Markus in the Hospital. This guy was not an innocent bystander in all of this.

Then there is Danny Heatley who like Burtuzzi made a stupid mistake except Heatley's cost a young man his life. What do you people in the media do? You welcome him back like some kind of hero who recovered miraclously from a tragedy when in fact was the cause of the tragedy.

Get your priorities straight.

-Les Noakes

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