
Apathy at the polls

I love British Columbia. We live in the greatest province in the greatest country in the world. We all want to ensure that our children and children's children inherit a province abundant in beauty, bounty, and opportunity.

This vision however, is being challenged by a common enemy of ours, voter apathy. It has been systematically growing, at least since the 1960's that I'm aware of. It's obvious why, since 1952 we have been governed by the same three parties under eleven premiers. In every case the party's "snake-oil salesman" leader promises that his/her elixir is the solution we need to make things wonderful for us and our province. Indeed, in many cases they start out in earnest and sincerity. Sadly though, they morph into an entity more concerned with themselves, their friends, and campaign contributors than the people who elected them. They turn from "governing" to "ruling". Then when these political vultures have picked the taxpayer carcass clean they leave a provincial debt larger than the one they inherited, always.

I don't have statistics but I have eyes. I have never in my 62 years seen so much scandal, homelessness, gang violence, and drug problems. Yet, we keep putting in power the same people over and over again expecting a different result. According to an old adage, this is the very definition of insanity. To use a sport analogy, if our first and second string quarterbacks aren't doing their job we put in our third stringer. In 2021 let's put in our third stringer, Andrew Weaver. He just may do better, and he definitely can't do any worse. 

Robert Brown

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