
Teach a man to fish

I want to thank Mr. Boucher for his letter. I appreciate and agree with his insight.  

Just yesterday, while going to pay for my car insurance, I was approached by a man in the parking lot asking for money. I asked him in return, why he felt I should give him the money I had to work so hard for when he is clearly unwilling to do the same?  I waited patiently for his answer, which, of course, never came. He turned his attention to the next “mark” walking through the parking lot.  

Giving him my money accomplishes nothing. It will not get him off the street, it will not fill his belly and it will definitely not strengthen his self-worth.  

We work hard every day for ourselves, our families & our country. We deserve what we earn! Please stop enabling those who do not deserve what we earn. Teach a man to fish.

Jocelyn Airey

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