
Rights of free speech

Why is it, in this great free country called Canada, that if you voice your honest opinion (and I accept that not everyone will go along with my opinion) you are automatically branded in people’s eyes as a racist? I still have the right to voice my opinion, or at least I used to, especially on this migrant invasion, 25,000 by February 2016 and a further 50,000 by the end of 2016. 

I have never called them bad names or made any threatening comments about them or there culture and I feel deep sorrow about what most of them have gone through. I am only telling the truth as I see it and voicing my worries, as I see them, with all the problems that currently exist in this great country of Canada.

It is my honest and unbiased belief that they should not be allowed to come to Canada at this time. I am a migrant myself who came to Canada, adapted my culture and way of life, for life in my new country Canada. I still hold some traditional holidays and remembrance days, but Canada is my home now.

I would seriously like an answer to this question, how is it that you are automatically branded in people’s eyes as a racist, a bigot and other such vile names, if you have a different opinion than their own?

Thomas James McLuskey

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