
Keep Sex Offender Behind Bars

Unbelievable! The facts as we know them. David Caza, age 42 was released from jail after completing a 10-month sentence for possessing Child Pornography. He has committed despicable offenses against children dating back to at least 1981, including 42 convictions. He has been granted his application to live in the Merritt area. Does this not beg the question “Why is he free to live his life anywhere other than behind bars?”

He has been charged with sexual and violent offenses, making child pornography and possessing child pornography. He has been labelled “A high risk to re-offend.” But don’t worry because the courts told him that he’s not allowed to be close to children – well O.K. then, as long as he knows his boundaries.

Studies have shown that of all types of sexual offenders, the non-incest child molesters were found to sexually recidivate at the highest rate and most likely to re-offend throughout their lives. A study in the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science concludes that treatment regimes for sex offenders have almost no meaningful effect and 9 out of 10 are guaranteed to re-offend. Moreover they will re-offend within hours or days of their release. However, in this case it is a moot point because Caza hasn’t received treatment anyway.

In my opinion he should never be released from prison. However barring that option I believe that chemical castration would at least minimize the likeliness of re-offending. An injection once a month with a drug such as Depo-Provera has shown to reduce recidivism rates to 5% by lessening their sexual fantasies as a result of the reduction of testosterone levels.

It’s unfortunate to say the least that we as society have the knowledge that there are sex offenders living within our community that we are not aware of – but to be alerted to a habitual offender and to knowingly release him into the community is truly beyond my comprehension.

S. Trudeau

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