
Your Fault You Pay

I was astounded to read and hear the comments of the man who was injured jumping from the cliffs at Kalamalka Provincial Park. I am happy to hear that he now believes that cliff diving is a dumb idea.

Another good lesson learned at the school of hard knocks. By the age of 30 most people should have enough common sense to take responsibility for their own safety. This man is lucky to be alive and now wants the government to stop others from jumping from cliffs. Unbelievable!

It’s too bad there is no way to legislate common sense. The time and resources of the RCMP and other enforcement agencies is too valuable to have a Member posted at the bottom of the path to prevent others from repeating this man’s dumb mistake. Mr. Ducharme should be paying the full cost of his rescue and hospitalization. The same holds true for others who blatantly disregard safety notices and ski out of bounds and get lost or injured.


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