
Piano bench trashed

After weeks without issue, the downtown Kelowna pianos have suffered their first case of vandalism.

Despite weeks of respectful behaviour and phenomenal music, local duets and even Steven Tyler tickling the keys, someone decided to trash a piano bench.

Vandals destroyed a stool in front of one of the pianos along the boardwalk in Stuart Park.

Renata Mills with Festivals Kelowna says it was just stupid, silly behaviour. She says the bench is not repairable and they will replace it soon.

The piano itself was not damaged and so far Mills says the pianos have fared well throughout downtown Kelowna.

While there has been some wear and tear from use, in general, people have been very respectful of the pianos.

She reminds users that all of the pianos were donated and most are over 50 years old and require gentle care.

One common issue they are seeing over and over is piano users take the front cover off to increase the volume level, but then forget to put it back on.

Due to the pianos’ age and inclement weather, Mills asks that the covers stay on the pianos so they can continue using them for the rest of the summer season.

She says her team works hard to maintain the pianos and keep them in good working order and so far the pianos have stayed in relatively good shape.

“It is a learning year,” says Mills who adds they are testing what works and what doesn’t with the hopes of having even more success next year.

One thing they’ve noticed is that the traditional indoor piano benches may not be sturdy enough for the outdoor use, while another piano had to move locations as some disrespectful pianists were often playing it at 3 a.m. waking nearby residents.

Festival’s Kelowna placed five pianos in locations around the city’s downtown corner in June.

Keystone Music stepped in to help round up unwanted pianos and delivered them to Festival Kelowna, while Disney Interactive provided 15 artists to decorate three of them. 

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