
Crown says mom killed newborn sons

Jurors at the trial of a woman accused of murder in the deaths of her newborn sons have heard that she secretly disposed of the infants after giving birth to them in her parents' home.

Crown counsel Sandra Cunningham says Sarah Leung was dating a man and became pregnant twice with his child, but she kept both her relationship and her two pregnancies from her family.

The Crown alleges Leung was afraid to tell her parents the truth and each time she gave birth, she got rid of the baby and told the baby's father she miscarried.

Leung was charged with second-degree murder after the body of a baby boy was found in a plastic bag outside an East Vancouver home in April 2009.

Police allege Leung gave birth to a second baby boy in March 2010 and killed that baby, as well, though the infant's body was never found.

Leung has pleaded not guilty.

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