Movies on Castanet


Release date: May 24, 2019

Brightburn movie poster

The Breyers (Elizabeth Banks and David Denman), a young farm couple who have been having trouble conceiving a child of their own, are at first afraid when they hear a loud crash on their land, but soon grow elated when they discover a baby boy in the woods.

Although he's different from other children, they love him, but when he approaches puberty, he begins to develop strange powers and exhibits potentially dangerous and lethal behavior. They slowly come to terms with the fact that he could be evil.

Additional details

Genre: Horror

Runtime: 90 min

Director: David Yarovesky

Studio: Columbia Pictures

Producers: James Gunn, Kenneth Huang

Screenplay: Brian Gunn, Mark Gunn

Cast: Elizabeth Banks,David Denman,Jackson A. Dunn,Matt Jones,Meredith Hagner

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