
Kelownians dominate at Peak to Beak

Kelowna runners reigned supreme at Sunday's challenging Peak to Beak race . Trevor Haaheim won the 18 km race for the sixth time with a impressive finish line time of 1:03:52. Dannica Wade triumphed in the women's category with a speedy finish of 1:23:10.

Trevor Haaheim celebrated his 6th overall win and says, “It was a perfect day, dry. I felt alright."

“After coming down Knox it usually takes a couple of kilometers to settle into a pace. After that I try to put it kind of on autopilot. I was only hoping to get some competition today.”

Haaheim is also a co-race director and marked the course the day before the race.

Overall women's winner Dannica Wade says, “the most difficult part was the downhill from Knox Mountain and not to get caught in all the fast runners.”

"I wanted to leave something in the tank for the uphill”.

Wade won the Peak to Beak for the first time while her husband Gary Wade also from Kelowna finished second overall at 1:08:31.

116 runners and over 60 volunteers took place in Sunday's event. The somewhat sudden cooler Fall temperatures were ideal for the event according to event organizers and the few raindrops didn’t seem to bother the runners.

Shawn Baenziger from Kelowna Running Club explains the race.

"The Peak to Beak is a demanding 18 kilometer Kelowna race from Knox Mountain to Quails' Gate. It starts at the top of Knox Mountain Park, winds along the waterfront, crosses the bridge, traverses the trails of Kalamoir Park before ascending through the vineyard to Quail’s Gate Winery. An extraordinary run, runners have been proud to have it accomplished at least once in their running career."

New medals awaited the first three in each age category. Age categories female and male are 15 and under, 16-19, 20-29, 30-34, , 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-99.

The Peak to Beak run, or the P2B as it is commonly known, was the 11th and this year’s last road race of the Interior road race series.

For a full list of all the results click here.


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