Central Okanagan  

Leftover embers cause Summerland fire

A controlled burn on a homeowner’s personal property in Summerland got out of hand last night (Tuesday), when high winds kicked up some leftover embers, which had presumably been put out. Those embers were blown into a ravine, one that for years had been littered with stumps and brush – a perfect area for hot embers and whipping winds.

“We were back on scene this morning, only because we had another flare up, but it’s not a threat to go anywhere and it's contained to that property,” says Summerland Fire Chief Glenn Noble.

“We think it's pretty much out now. It’s still steaming a bit and it may have the odd flare-up over the next couple of days as well, but it doesn’t pose a threat at this time.”

He estimates the burnt area to be roughly one third of an acre, and says because of the fuel available in the bottom of the clay-banked ravine, the fire would have been visible from across the lake.

The property owners are not expected to face any charges, as Noble says the fire was accidental and they had permits in place for the original burn.

If you have any photos of videos of the burn please send to [email protected]

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