West Kelowna  

West Kelowna wants more flood cash

The following are highlights from the District of West Kelowna Council meeting held Tuesday, October 23, 2012.

Glenrosa Road/Salmon Road

Council deferred consideration of a proposed amendment to the land use designation on three parcels in the Upper Glenrosa area from Rural Residential to Single Family Residential to facilitate a future single family residential subdivision. The three subject properties are located approximately 3 km northwest of the intersection of Glenrosa Road and Highway 97 and currently lie within the Rural Reserve Growth Management Designation of the District’s Official Community Plan (OCP); outside of the Rural Reserve Boundary. The OCP notes that applications for development in these areas should only be considered where community infrastructure (sewer, roads, water) may be extended in a sequential and cost effective manner. When a proposal does not conform to the purpose and intent of the OCP or has implications for servicing, the OCP requires the development of an Area Plan/ Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). The intent of a CDP is to ensure that larger neighbourhood and community issues are considered as part of the plan. Council deferred consideration until such time that a CDP is developed and the applicant was advised to work with District staff on this.

Brown Road Development

Council adopted a West Kelowna Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment to change the designation and rezone two properties on Brown Road. The amendments facilitate a boundary adjustment that will enlarge the current commercially zoned lot at 3656 Brown Road and reduce the size of the congregate care zoned lot which currently houses The Heritage seniors’ supportive living development. A commercial building will be developed as part of this project. The amendments are consistent with the Westbank Centre Revitalization Plan. Council also directed staff to establish a Westbank Centre Road Network Improvements Restricted Reserve Fund which the property owner will contribute $2,500 towards for future road improvements.

McDougall Creek Flood Recovery

Council directed staff to request the Province of BC reconsider the District of West Kelowna’s application for Disaster Financial Assistance to implement a Flood Recovery Plan for McDougall Creek. After a storm event in April 2012 which caused flooding of McDougall Creek and damage to nearby properties, West Kelowna applied for $483,000 to the Disaster Financial Assistance Program for three phases of recovery work including the emergency response, recovery and habitat restoration. Council was advised that the Province agreed to fund 80% of the first phase of works only.

Regional District Service Review

Council agreed to request that the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) initiate an informal review of the District of West Kelowna’s terms of participation in Economic Development and Regional Planning and that the RDCO initiate discussions aimed at facilitating the District’s withdrawal from the following services:

  • Transportation Demand Management
  • Noxious Weed Control
  • Noxious Insect Control
  • Air Quality Control

RDCO provides a number of services to the District; in 2012 the total requisition from the District to RDCO was $2,490,611. Given that the District is now 5 years old, has finalized its governance transition and is now in a better position to provide services that RDCO has traditionally provided on its behalf, Council directed staff conduct RDCO service reviews. Staff reviewed Transportation Demand Management, Noxious Weed Control, Noxious Insect Control, Air Quality Control, Economic Development and Mosquito Control. Staff determined that Council could request RDCO transitioning the service from regional to municipal services, with the exception of Mosquito Control due to economies of scale. Council will request that RDCO facilitate these changes, where possible, prior to the adoption of RDCO’s 2013 Financial Plan.

Communities in Bloom

Council received information on the 2012 Communities in Bloom competition evaluation. The District of West Kelowna and Westbank First Nation, in its 8th year of partnership in the competition, received a 5 out of 5 Bloom rating at the National Communities in Bloom Awards Ceremony October 13 in Edmonton, Alberta. Communities in Bloom is a national organization dedicated to the promotion of green spaces in community settings. Within the actual context of climate changes and environmental concerns, communities involved in the Communities in Bloom program can be proud of their efforts, which provide real and meaningful environmental solutions and benefit all of society

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