Police quickly located and impounded the truck of a driver who was caught on camera doing donuts and "stunting" early in the morning on New Years Day.
On Jan. 1, at about 12:30 a.m., Salmon Arm RCMP said officers received a complaint about a grey Dodge Ram 1500 doing donuts, stunting and leaving at a high rate of speed.
Police say they had received several similar complaints from the same area over the previous two months.
“The complainant was able to provide a licence plate and also surveillance footage, and wished to pursue charges if the truck was located,” said Const. Andrew Hodges of the Salmon Arm RCMP.
Police found a truck that matched the description and licence plate on 30 Street SE half an hour after the original complaint.
“The lone occupant and registered owner, a Class 7 male driver, claimed he had lent his truck out to a friend in the preceding 30 minutes,” Hodges said.
Salmon Arm RCMP impounded the Dodge for seven days for stunting, and the driver was also issued a $197 ticket for driving without consideration.