Strong winds and rough waters appear to have caused a well-known replica pirate ship to come loose from its moorings and beach near Bear Creek Campground in West Kelowna.
Members of the Westside Road Information Facebook group are trying to find the rightful owner but no one seems to know who that is.
"We often see a gentleman who takes a canoe out there, so I believe it's owned by the house that's right there," says one former resident who left because of the fires but is still a member of the group.
The forecast for Kelowna calls for rain showers, changing to a few flurries this afternoon and a snow level of 700 metres which is expected to lower to the valley bottom this afternoon. Winds are expected to be out of the southeast 20 km/h gusting to 40, becoming northwest 20 gusting to 40 this afternoon.
"It is so far on shore I don't even know, it's devastating, and sitting right on the rock today," says the member who asked to remain anonymous.