
Some Vernon gas stations have cranked up the price of gas by 16-cents a litre

Gas jumps 16-cents a litre

The cost of fuel looks to be increasing in Vernon.

According to GasBuddy the two Super Saver stations have cranked the cost of gas up to 165.9 cents a litre, but other stations in the city appear to be holding steady at 149.9.

The liquid gold is selling for 159.9 at most Kelowna stations, with the Costco sitting at 155.9.

In Kamloops gas prices are all over the board, between 159.9 and 161.9 with a few places still selling gas for between 149.9 and 153.9.

Penticton is selling gas for between 156.9 and 158.9.

In comparison, Vancouver is selling gas for between 168.9 and 173.4 cents a litre.

Our neighbours to the east in Calgary are fuelling up for between 136.9 and 144.9.

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