
Kootenay senior out nearly $3,000 after cheque book stolen from vehicle

Senior out nearly $3,000

A senior has had thousands of dollars stolen from him after an unknown suspect cashed cheques in his name.

Trail and the Greater District RCMP reported that officers received a call from a 75-year-old man reporting that his cheque book had been stolen from his vehicle in Cranbrook just before 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 11.

The suspect cashed $2,955 at financial institutions around Trail, and police say the incident is still under investigation.

In response, Sgt. Mike Wicentowich of the Trail RCMP is asking that people keep their valuables locked up.

"Please make sure you continue to lock your vehicles and secure your personal items," said Wicentowich.

Mounties says that despite theft from vehicles in the Kootenay region declining to low levels, they are encouraging the public to ensure their vehicles are locked and to keep all personal items out of view to help deter thieves

ICBC suggests that any valuables left in the open can make your vehicle an appealing target. Older vehicles are more vulnerable, due to the lack of anti-theft technology and security features.

Despite B.C. having some the lowest rates of auto theft in the country, police data shows that 46,600 vehicles were broken into and 7,500 were stolen in province in 2020.

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