Salmon Arm  

The District of Sicamous to host public hearing for a phased development agreement for Temple Street subdivision

Public hearing for new build

The District of Sicamous is set to host a public hearing for a phased development bylaw agreement for the new Temple Street subdivision.

The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 5 p.m. about Phased Development Agreement Bylaw No. 1087.

A phased development agreement establishes a guarantee that zoning and development conditions will not change over a set period of time, allowing more certainty for a developer working on a phased development project.

This means that should there be any changes to the zoning or development bylaws applicable to the development, the developer would only be bound by the original versions of those bylaws established at the time of the agreement.

In exchange for this certainty, the developer will give certain considerations deemed beneficial for the District of Sicamous.

The developer of the Temple Street subdivision has asked for a 10-year term for the agreement.

Sicamous council has already approved a development permit and development variance permit for the subdivision that aims to build 73 townhouse units over six phases.

The developer has plans to construct a north south access route in the subdivision connecting Temple Street to Fred Busch Lane.

A group of concerned Temple Street residents came to the Nov. 27 council meeting and said they felt some of the development variances granted to the subdivision could jeopardize the safety of pedestrians on Temple Street.

Their primary concerns were with street lighting, a lack of parking within the subdivision as well as waiving the need to build a raised sidewalk on Temple Street would make the street less safe for pedestrians as traffic increases with more people living in the area.

Anyone who believes their interest in property is affected by the proposed phased development agreement will be given an opportunity to speak at the public hearing or to submit written comments prior to the meeting.

Any comments submitted to the district by 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 will be provided to council.

Comments can be submitted by emailing [email protected], dropping off your comment at the district office at 446 Main St., Sicamous, or via letter mail to Box 219, Sicamous B.C., V0E 2V0.

Residents can attend the public hearing in person at the district office or electronically via Zoom.

For more information or to see a copy of the proposed bylaw, visit the District of Sicamous website.

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