
Jeep crashes into ESSO sign

He figures the crash must have been very loud.

Chris Trozzolo was driving along Highway 33 near Hollywood Road when he saw people gathering around a crash scene around 1 p.m. Wednesday.

From what he could see, a Jeep appears to have driven off the road and into a sign at the ESSO station.

“It looks like it hit with enough force to demolish the sign, bits of concrete from the base were everywhere,” says Trozzolo.

He says nearly a dozen people were already gathered around the driver, all apparently trying to help.

“From what I could see, the driver had his head down, resting on the steering wheel. I couldn't tell if he was unconscious or was just resting his head trying to figure out what just happened.”

Trozzolo says as he was driving away from the scene, he could see emergency vehicles arriving.

“For the next couple of blocks, people were already gathering to see what had happened. The crash must have been really loud for people so far away to be aware something had happened. They were gathering before the emergency vehicles could be heard.”

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