
Knox Mountain Downhill taking place this weekend

Racing down Knox Mtn.

Longboarders will be soaring down Knox Mountain this weekend.

The Knox Mountain Downhill runs 8 a.m. Saturday to 5 p.m. Sunday, bringing together longboarders from across the region.

To accommodate the event, road closures and parking restrictions will be in place in the Knox Mountain Park area throughout the weekend.

The lower 1.5 kilometres of Knox Mountain Drive, from the base to the first lookout, will be closed to vehicle traffic beginning at 7 a.m. on Saturday and will remain closed through the weekend.

During this time, pedestrians are permitted to enter the area to watch the event from designated spectator areas.

Hikers are also permitted to access area trails including the Apex Trail when the downhill course is not in use by participants or shuttle vehicles.

Event volunteers will be stationed on-site to ensure safe passage of pedestrians and hikers throughout the event area.

Parking will be restricted in the lot at the first lookout area on Knox Mountain Drive throughout the event. However, the main parking lot at the foot of Knox Mountain will remain open to the public.

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