Kamloops Mounties didn’t have to look far for their suspect over the weekend while responding to a report of a break-in to a back yard shed on the North Shore.
Police were called to a home in the 100-block of Chestnut Avenue at about 12:30 a.m. on Saturday for a report of an alarm.
RCMP Cpl. Crystal Evelyn said a light had also been observed on inside a shed.
“As the officer approached the outbuilding with the homeowner, the suspect flung the shed door open, jumped a fence and fled on a bike stashed nearby, losing the officer around Fortune Drive,” Evelyn said in a news release.
The suspect is described as a thin man standing approximately six feet. He was wearing a grey hoodie, blue jean shorts and a head lamp.
Anyone with information about the incident can call police at 250-828-3000.