West Kelowna resident are facing the largest tax increase in the city's short history.
Staff have introduced its 2024 budget and five-year financial plan that includes a tax increase of 11.41 per cent in 2024.
The 2024 budget includes a 5.24 per cent tax increase for base operations, 1.81 per cent for staffing, 2.86 per cent for safety and security and three per cent for infrastructure.
That is offset by growth revenues pegged at 1.5 per cent bringing the overall 2024 tax demand to $46.9 million before growth is factored in.
The 2024 budget includes two new police officers to bring the city's complement to 30 as well as the proposed creation of two civilian watch support positions. It also makes provisions for an increase in cost per RCMP member of $18,167.
Council expenditures are up 16 per cent over a year ago, information services budget is up 11.5 per cent while fire and rescue net costs jumped 4.6 per cent.
On the capital side, the city is proposing to spend $33.18 million with the largest single project being the planned construction of a new fire hall #32 at $14.47 million.
$8 million of the fire hall project is subject to borrowing initiative that will soon be going out to the public in the form of an alternative approval process.
The road budget, including the rehabilitation program and Shannon Lake Road upgrade is $7.1 million while renovations to return city hall back to a community centre is pegged at $5.5 million.
Council will be asked to give the proposed budget and financial plan first reading Tuesday followed by a series of public engagements planned for the end of January and beginning of February.
In 2023 council settled on a five per cent budget after initially being presented an increase of 6.75 per cent.