
$100 gift cards up for grabs in downtown Vernon letters to Santa contest

Write to Santa and win

Downtown Vernon is pulling out at the stops for the busy holiday shopping season.

Kids could win one of 12 $100 downtown dollar gift cards by writing a letter to Santa.

Letters to the jolly old elf can be dropped off at Vernon Teach and Learn until Sunday and then at Teeter Totter Toys, Dec. 4-12, and Boarding House Café, Dec. 7-20.

Park for free at any meter on Saturdays in December and get free photos with Santa while you're downtown.

He'll be roaming from 11 a.m. to noon, at Teeter Totter Toys until 12:30 and then Teach & Learn until 2 p.m.

Christmas elves, carollers, and live musicians will also be entertaining downtown on Saturdays.

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