A Vernon filmmaker's documentary on "twin strangers" debuts on CBC's The Passionate Eye, Oct. 18.
Vernon's Laurie Case is the producer of Doppelgangers: Face to Face.
The film investigates "today's preoccupation with the power and importance of identity" and the curious phenomenon of identical strangers and our "desire to meet ourselves."
The documentary follows six unique characters with unique life stories as they embark on an adventure to meet their second self.
Nathaniel and Edward, Sheena and Desirée, and Kiki and Elaine come face to face with their unrelated lookalike.
It used to be that seeing one’s doppelganger was considered a bad omen. But today, millions of people are actively looking for their unrelated twin.
They're joining websites, posting selfies, scouring museums, and using facial recognition software in the hopes of finding their double.
Case is partners with writer-director Deborah Wainwright in Lake Tide Media.
Wainwright says a 2022 study about unrelated 'twins' published in the academic journal Cell Reports was worthy of a deeper investigation.
"What about the idea that each of us has someone (possibly many someones) somewhere on the planet who looks just like us ... that sent our imaginations soaring," says Wainwright.
There are more than 10 million people registered to various online doppelganger sites, and although they generally say they're looking for their stranger twin as a lark, when you dig a little deeper some very personal reasons come to light, the production team note.
"Themes of identity, belonging, and human connection became quickly evident as we got to know our stranger twins," say Case and Wainwright.
"They expressed the desire to find someone who represents the sibling they never had or whom they had lost. Someone who provided that feeling of being connected as a family."
The filmmakers found similarities and connections that went well beyond physical attributes.
"It was both hilarious and heartwarming to watch," says Case.
The documentary airs Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. on CBC and CBC Gem.
Lake Tide has also produced the documentary Across & Down for The Passionate Eye.
Case was also producer on the true crime series The Oland Murder as well working on Border Security: America's Front Line, and Border Security: Canada's Front Line.